The Power of Critical Thinking & Informed Choice

I sat at my desk scrolling through my LinkedIn feed one afternoon, irritated by all of the advertisements poorly disguised as helpful posts, when an actual post caught my attention. You probably saw it too; I’m pretty sure it went viral. It was a picture of a sign in a small business requiring face coverings. The gist of it was, been vaccinated, we don’t care, had Covid-19 and are immune, we don’t care, have a health condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, you shouldn’t be out in public. Following the list of five or six justifications and responses, the sign stated, “face coverings required here, no exceptions.”

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Authentic Leadership Power

Power is having the means to move from “point A” to “point B” and doing it in the most direct and efficient way possible. Power itself is neither good nor bad, but it can cause leaders to become overly obsessed with outcomes and control, inadvertently ramping up people’s fear – fear of not hitting performance targets, losing bonuses, failing – and as a consequence, their drive to experiment and learn is stifled. Continue reading