Business is done for people, by people, with other people. Therefore, in today’s world, the most human-centered companies win.
Bold ideas.
Critical insights.
Original perspective, focused process discussions, and success stories that illustrate the power of collaborative critical thinking and action.
To Develop Effective Leaders, Start with Mindset
Leadership Development Is A $366 Billion Industry: Here’s Why Most Programs Don’t Work. Chris Westfall wrote this article published on June 20, 2019, at, citing data provided by McKinsey. He refers to the data as “a startling insight into the leadership industry: most of these leadership programs fail to create desired results.”
What does it look like when you respect another person?
The CEO of a publicly-traded company posted their Corporate Social Responsibility Report today. In his post, he talked about respect for people. I was curious about what respecting people meant to him, so I asked. Based on experience, I’m not expecting a response, so I’ll ask you. What does respecting people mean to you? What does it look like when you respect another person?
The Power of Critical Thinking & Informed Choice
I sat at my desk scrolling through my LinkedIn feed one afternoon, irritated by all of the advertisements poorly disguised as helpful posts, when an actual post caught my attention. You probably saw it too; I’m pretty sure it went viral. It was a picture of a sign in a small business requiring face coverings. The gist of it was, been vaccinated, we don’t care, had Covid-19 and are immune, we don’t care, have a health condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, you shouldn’t be out in public. Following the list of five or six justifications and responses, the sign stated, “face coverings required here, no exceptions.”
A Leader in Every Seat Working Collaboratively
Leaders are the people at every level and in any seat in an organization who want to do something new and better and can get others to go along. Teamwork is about getting the opportunity to stand up and say loud and strong what you feel and why you think that way. But in the end, it’s the ability to adjust and Read more
Authentic Leadership Power
Power is having the means to move from “point A” to “point B” and doing it in the most direct and efficient way possible. Power itself is neither good nor bad, but it can cause leaders to become overly obsessed with outcomes and control, inadvertently ramping up people’s fear – fear of not hitting performance targets, losing bonuses, failing – and as a consequence, their drive to experiment and learn is stifled. Read more
Influential People First Seek to Understand
To influence people, to change what they say or do, you must first understand the experiences that shaped their thinking.
Their practical contact with and observations of facts or events drives their thinking. Read more
How Effective Teams Get Results
People’s valuable qualities, e.g., informed opinions, ideas, feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions, should be considered important and held in regard by other people, especially formal leaders. They are due respect, even when you disagree with them, and choose to make decisions and take actions different from what they want. People demonstrate trust and respect for others by listening to their thoughts and Read more
Carrie Hobbs
iO Collaborative
President & Founder
Carrie Hobbs is a cutting-edge organizational design pro with decades of experience helping companies align strategy, build leadership, enhance culture and drive profitable growth. She left the HR world to start iO Collaborative because she believes in a better way to solve complex business challenges. Progressive and passionate about people and process improvement, she uses flexible systems thinking and collaboration to uncover truths about your business and create lasting, effective change.